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Carel Struyken aka ‘The Giant’ approached me for an interview on the official Twin Peaks Website!

Carel Stryuken AKA the Giant

Netherlands-born actor Carel (pronounced “Carl”) Struycken is known for his roles in a number of different franchises, from Lurch in the “Addams Family” movies to the nearly-mute “Mr. Homm” in “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” But to “Twin Peaks” fans he will always be “the Giant,” an enigmatic Black Lodge denizen who serves up cryptic, coded messages to Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) during his investigation of Laura Palmer’s murder. Though the character appeared only briefly during the run of the show’s second season, his presence and influence loomed large (literally and figuratively), and for fans he continues to represent a fascinating piece of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s mysterious, offbeat puzzle. View on the official Twin Peaks Website!

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