Leidsch Dagblad

Art route lead

Jan Boer among film heroes

Leidsch Dagblad, text Theo de With
Photo A. Kranenburg


A written piece by Theo de With following my project Screen at the Meelfabriek in Leiden.

Leidsch Dagblad
Leidsch Dagblad

Meelfabriek temporary Museum

Text Theo de With

Art at the Meelfabriek

Leidsch Dagblad

Final judgement

Text Ad van Kaam

Maurice Braspenning’s black holes

Text Ad van Kaam
Text Ad van Kaam

I like drama

Alienating effects by maurice braspenning

Text Martijn Verhoeven

A Leiden Parade

Text Coen Polack

Leiden painting far from dead

Text Bernadette van der Goes
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